"Even though I sometimes feel isolated, my faith gives me strength and hope." Sara
"As a family we're quite anxious about what's going to happen to us, we feel quite isolated." Dad
Which members of the workforce is this programme aimed at?
The course is aimed at all frontline workforce and professionals working closely with children and young people, and their families, including:
- Teachers and school staff
- Social workers
- Youth workers
- Children’s centre staff
- Public health specialists
- Family and parenting services
- College support services
- School nurses/mental health leads
These professionals will then in turn deliver the programme to parents and carers.
What are the professional benefits in completing the programme?
Staff trained in delivery of Youth Connect 5 will obtain additional knowledge and skills in mental wellbeing as well as training delivery, supporting their own CPD and the organisation’s strengths.
In addition to this, general staff health and wellbeing may also be improved. Many in the workforce will also be parents/carers who themselves will experience challenging times as a parent.

Are there any eligibility criteria?
Members of the workforce will be either selected/nominated by their employers, or they can request to attend this course as part of their professional development.
Each attendee will be required to make a commitment to undertake the following:
- Sourcing and training a minimum of five and a maximum of 10 parents;
- Arrange venues for parent and carer training sessions;
- Evaluate the courses; and
- Feed this evaluation information back to Youth Connect 5 – this will be done electronically through the website system and it will then trigger certificates
Professionals will also be asked to articulate how the course has impacted on their individual learning and practice. Therefore, the presentation of a post-programme summary, following delivery of their first course to parents, would be required.
What skills / experience is required?
Trainers who take on the responsibility of delivering the Youth Connect 5 training would be expected to have the following experience and skills:
- A good understanding of the impact of mental health and knowledge of resilience and emotional health.
- Confidence to deliver training to groups.
- Interpersonal skills that enable you to work sensitively with people from a variety of backgrounds, including professionals and people with mental health diagnoses.
- The ability to establish and maintain credibility and a positive professional profile.
- Good timekeeping and organisational skills.
- Commitment to improving your own knowledge and skills.
- Emotional resilience and ability to constructively manage stress.
- The ability to deal confidently with sensitive and confidential issues.
- Willingness to follow instruction and receive critical feedback.
- Objectivity.
People would also be expected to have the willingness and capacity to:
- Deliver, or co-deliver at least two courses of five training modules, to a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 parents/carers within the defined geographic area.
- Prepare appropriately for delivery, before the date of each session.
- If co-delivering, meet or liaise with the co-trainer to discuss delivery, before the date of the training
When delivering to parents and carers, co-leading the course would be preferable when possible, as two different disciplines working together is an effective approach.